“9 out of 10 cops are good”

“9 out of 10 cops are good”

Oh yeah, well if that is the case, why don’t the 9 good cops turn in the 1 bad cop, on day one, before he violates again?

On the contrary, they protect the “1” bully, by corroborating his testimony on the police report and by swearing on a bible,  in a court of law.

Check your math.

Normally by the time the people find out about “the one bad cop”, the rights of multiple individuals have been violated or their lives taken.

And the “9 good cops”, let it happen.

It’s the same thing as in the church, with the pedophiles and their enablers. Instead of calling him out and throwing him out, they simply, transfer him to another congregation. Think about it. They are more concerned about their reputation than about the welfare of the children.

It’s the mentality of a gang.

Protect and Serve, each other.