Looking For Treasure

When I was young I was a treasure hunter. I would look for treasure, inside the pages of books. I would scan the pages for nuggets, jewels and pearls. Weightless treasure, treasure no one could take away. If I found a nugget, that made my day. On those days, I knew I was growing.

Some books were like treasure chests, there was gold on every page. Those were the best books in the world. Other times I would need to turn many pages and scan many chapters, to find something that was lasting.

Ideas that can withstand the test of time, ideas that are sustainable. Those are the nuggets. Ideas that would apply to any people at any time. When I found an idea that was lasting, I was in heaven.  An lasting idea is like a torch of light that will burn forever and illuminate generations.

I grew up absorbing knowledge from my extended family, grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, friends. So I knew that every person has something of value to offer, every last one.

I realized that if I can read books written by my elders I could learn from their life experience, and prepare myself. I could gain a life’s experience without having to endure it or use up any of my time. It was crazy, I could learn from someone that’s long passed. It was an awesome discovery.

Every person has flaws. When you read a book, take the good and throw away the bad. Its just like eating a juicy apple that has a bad spot, you eat around it and throw away the rest.

In my teens, I discovered Khalil Gibran, a fountain of wealth. I read many books by different people and each one brought more light to my world. I knew then, that I owed it to myself to search more, everywhere. And I keep looking for treasure.