The Right To Choose Is Like The Right To Bear Arms

The right to choose is like the right to bear arms. These rights are about individual freedom. They help people manage their survival. These rights don’t make the individual a killer, so lets not pretend that they do.

The right to choose has nothing to do with killing a baby in the same way that  the right to bear arms does not mean that you want to kill a man. If someone said you could not have a gun because one day you will kill someone, that would be a false argument? It’s just as dishonest, to use abortions, as a pretext to take away a woman’s right to decide what to do with her own body during a pregnancy.  The right to choose is a most sacred right and belongs solely to the pregnant woman. It is outside of our jurisdiction.

Injecting “ABORTION” into the debate is dishonest and is an invasion of a woman’s natural rights. It is worst than trespassing. It is an offensive, gross act.

The right to choose rightly affords the woman the the freedom to decide the outcome of her pregnancy. What she chooses to do, is between her and her maker.