Religious Lottery

Religion is like a lottery. Its like a quick pick, its not the kind of lottery where you pick you own numbers. It’s prearranged, with the same restrictions of a prearranged marriage. You don’t have a choice in the matter, that is what I said. “You will marry that man, and, you will honor him. It’s for your own good.” These are the rules, don’t let us down.

It reminds me of when the Maya were trampled by invading Europeans. They brought missionaries who forced Christianity on the Maya. They killed those that resisted.  They questioned their beliefs,  destroyed and defaced their temples, stole their artifacts and burned their codices.   They called the Maya savages, who performed human sacrifice to please their Gods. So, they replaced the Mayan belief system with the one they brought with them. Christianity, the religion where a good man, named Jesus, an only son, is sacrificed on a cross, by his loving father for the benefit of mankind. That’s right, human sacrifice, all over again. “My human sacrifice is better than your human sacrifice.”

So check this, If I was born on this side of the world, I would believe one thing. If I was born over there, I would believe another thing. In both of these cases, I would be claiming to be on the right side.

Of those that are sincerely religious, half of them will kill you if you don’t believe like they do, the other half, will leave you alone, because “they know” that you will burn in hell, forever. Same difference. Have a nice day.

How can this be? Why does the truth have so many versions?

The reason religion is powerful, apart from the narrative, is that it is taught to us, by the people we love and trust the most, our parents. It is a powerful bond.

As a child, aware of the world and its people, I recognized that religion was like a geographical lottery, based on your place of birth.  It made no sense, and I started to question, what it was, that I had been taught. I was more tempted to question the beliefs of others, but first it made sense to take a look at myself.

I knew one thing, all religions cannot be right. But, they can all be wrong. I could see others being manipulated by their religion. I needed to make sure it was being done to me.

The bottom line is, the way I treat people is more important,  than what I believe. So, when I noticed that my religion was making judgments about people I did not know and had never met, I knew something was wrong.

Amazing Dream

Looking thru a box of my stuff, I found this amazing dream I had written down on a sketchpad that I kept along my bedside. If you  dream regularly, I suggest you put a pad and a pencil on your bedside to write your dreams as soon as you awake.  Many times I would wake up in the middle of the night and write down my dreams. This is one on them. I had forgotten about this dream and I am so glad I wrote it down. As I read it all the images came back to me. The following is as I wrote it, except for a few punctuation changes.

8-6-12  /  1:00    (at one o’clock I wrote an outline of my dream so as not to forget)


Desert Sand



Rabbit (Hare) Bushtail Covered in Dust





And then 8-6-12 / 1:23 (at one twenty three I wrote the following)

I was alone. There was nothing but sand, and then I noticed this beautiful rock. I was fixated, it had a sheen. From beneath the rock came a gliding snake wearing a cardigan, … nah-for real,

and then, I saw this dusty hare, his pink eyes inquired, did I care? Before you knew it, I heard a child cry. A barefooted toddler of olive skin, he mumbled something and gave me a big grin.

I knew I had to rescue this child. There was a woman laying across a dead tree. I shook my head, this could not be. My mind it raced, it was full of sin. I thanked the Lord, I just might win. My face it glowed, a foolish grin.

I licked my lips and pulled back my shoulder and that was when I saw, the man. Immediately, I had a plan. I set him up to come over and then I will hit him with a boulder.

I hit him hard across the head. I hit him until he was dead.

And then, like that, “snap”, it was all gone and there I stood (again) alone in the roasting sand, wishing that it wasn’t true, hoping I would run into you.

I must accept that this is true.


Creation is not an expansion, its a reduction.

We have been led to believe that creation is an expansion.

Most of us imagine creation as an expansion. We think of it as something that grows and gets bigger, some even think of it as something that came from nothing.

Whatever our view of creation is, it is limited to references within our world. In a way, we are like the “frog in the well“, trying to figure out where the water in the well comes from.

In order to understand “creation”, we need to think outside the circle.

To most creation appears to be an additive system, an expansion by addition. One way to think of an additive system is, starting with a microscopic dot that becomes a circle and that circle gets bigger and bigger, like a balloon. It is a system that goes from zero to what we have now.

Creation however, is a subtractive process. Which means its not an expansion but a reduction of reality.

One way to think of a subtractive system like creation is to think of a small circle created inside a bigger circle. That small circle is our universe. It exists by using space and energy from the bigger circle. It subtracts energy from a hidden source, similar to every other creation.

This bigger circle is infinite space, it has no boundaries. It is cold and filled with infinite energy.

Our universe is created by a form of reduction, similar to reduction created when cooking.  Energy is reduced to a broth.  That broth is our visible universe.

to be cont.

Life is like a tree

life is like a tree
them, us, you and me
open your mind
and you will see

we are all connected
we were born on the same day
separated by  branches
we have migrated away

nature and  the environment
our bodies from the earth
if it wasn’t for water
we would still be dirt

our origin is a mystery
we come from a magical seed
we are of different colors
but we are all the same breed

life is like a tree
as delicate as can be
harm one of the branches
you harm the entire tree

life is like a tree
them, us you and me
open up your mind
and you will see
