
Tug-for-life, not to be confused with “Thug 4 life”

Our entire existence is a like  a tug-of-war, that game where some pull one way and some pull the other way. All people of clear thinking, must pull until the flag is right down the middle. We must pull until there is a balance. It’s for our own good. The only thing we must remember is that people just want to be included- they want to belong. So it is critical that we are inclusive and are pulling in the right direction.

When the flag is down the middle, we will all win. When the flag is down the middle, there will be justice for all and not just for the privileged few. If we want peace, we will have to brace ourselves and pull for justice. It can be done. Some say it cannot be done. Mostly, its those people whose cup is full, the ones who are benefiting from the chaos.

We had to pull to get out of slavery. We had to pull for blacks and women to vote. We had to pull for workers rights, gay rights, immigrants rights, and the rights of those that are disabled. Today, it’s mental slavery. Some of our own have been mislead. The are pulling in the wrong direction, and some of them are strong.

Why is this?

Capitalists, and opportunists in union with “public servants” are lying to the public and causing them to act against their own self interest, and not even know it.

Imagine, that there are 10 of us living together. 8 of us are having fun, feasting and stomping our chest around the place, over and over, everyday. The other two are not having any fun and feel left out. They eventually will feel cheated. They will see the injustice, feel how unfair it is, they will feel like they don’t belong, and before you know it, one of the 8 will have a bad day. The rest of us, will not be able to sleep all because of our refusal to be inclusive.

As we are, the flag is way off center and it favors the greedy rich and powerful. Most of them have no interest in change, in fact, they worship individualism. Who knows, if we were them, maybe we would do the same.

So I say, inform yourself, make sure you are on the right side and pull.

One more thing, we should never forget, it was the capitalists who created slavery.

The difference between Capitalism and Socialism

The difference between Capitalism and Socialism can be summed up in a beloved socialist mantra:

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

The Capitalists asks, what can my country do for me?

The Socialists asks, what can I do for my country?

One is selfish, the other is selfless.

One is about taking, the other about giving.

It’s that simple.

Don’t trip.

Question Everything

Question Everything, especially if there is a capitalist involved. If you are dealing with a socialist, you don’t need to worry because socialists think about everyone’s welfare, but a capitalist is by definition thinking about making a profit for himself.

A whole bunch of people believe that the rabbit’s foot is lucky. They would swear on it. The truth is, it’s a scam concocted by a capitalist.

As the story goes, there was a guy selling rabbits. He would kill the rabbits and sell the parts but the only part he could not sell was the feet. So he started “advertising” that the rabbit feet were lucky and could bring you good fortune. By repeating that lie, in time he convinced good folks to pay him for his worthless rabbit feet. Even today, good people happily turn over their cash for “lucky” rabbit feet. The idea is that if you trade your money, for the feet, it will make you lucky and then you will get more money for yourself.

Why do we eat 3 times a day? Why not eat only when we are hungry? Who’s idea was it?

I am Blessed.

I am blessed. I have relatives of all colors.

Thats it. I am so lucky. My cup is full.

Because I have relatives of every color, when I see a man or a woman, I can connect them to myself. It is instant Zen. I see human beings.

This awareness allows me to sense racism and bigotry, from a mile away.

When a rich white politician, uses the military to kill poor, brown children across the world with massive bombs and calls the dead brown children, collateral damage, I can see it for what it is, murder, straight-up assassinations.

My white big brother just killed my brown little brother.

Damn, that could have been me.